Tag Archives: eci831

Social Media Pros and Cons

Today I was researching into the pros and cons of social media usage in school,  work and for personal enjoyment. I really have to wonder a few things. First how does one keep up with this fast pace ever changing world? Is it common for people to continually jump from one media to another as the new and better service hits the airwaves? Or are people more loyal than that?

I have read about people being fired, loosing loved ones and being  totally humiliated by what was posted using varieties of social media. For instance the person whose friend, only in the interest of having fun, posts a picture of them having a really good time but is deemed inappropriate by their employer thus  bring about ramifications that were beyond comprehension of the person who posted the picture.

The conclusion that I finally came to was think twice before posting: everything is public; privacy does not exist in the world of social media. It is easy to become too casual, too personal, to disclose too much personal information, to receive too much information and to cross boundaries into relationships that might be perceived as inappropriate.

Is this a too cynical way to see things or should I be looking at this from a different angle????


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Great Second Class

Well all I can say is that after our second class some of my anxieties are calmed. Moving around in WordPress isn’t difficult but it can take up a lot of time just trying to decide upon what you want your page to do and say as well as how it looks.
The interactive map that contained balloons of all the people taking the class is something that I have to show other educators so they can WOW their students. Can you imagine this on a SmartBoard!!
I look forward to the continue growth that we are all going to be experiencing during these next few weeks and I truly look forward to hear from anyone who enjoys what I am creating or would like to offer me some suggestions to help improve my blog. So have a great week and I look forward to hearing for all your creative voices . . .


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Nothing is impossible, the word itself says: I’m possible!

Well I started my first online class yesterday evening with apprehension and curiosity. Much to my surprise I was able to maneuver through the technology with little trouble. I am really looking forward to learning how to incorporate what I learn during this class in my work. I want to establish a blog that I can maintain that provides teachers with support, resources and ideas to engage and motivate their students and importantly relieve the stress and work from their shoulders.

I suppose  I could have done all this on my own, but with starting a new job, moving, gutting a house etc I just haven’t taken the time to do so. This is why this class is such a wonderful opportunity for me to actually take the time to learn and create while working toward the completion of my masters degree.

So bare with me please as I begin to find my way in the learning and creation process. If anyone has some cool ideas for me to include on my blog don’t hesitate to comment. I really would like the suggestions.


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